COVID-19 and the Cytokine Blast – Prevention mechanism - By Meenakshisundaram Ezhil

COVID-19 and the Cytokine Blast – Prevention mechanism

The functioning of immune defense system in a person’s body determines the course of the disease caused by a virus, especially a virulent one like COVID-19.

Once the virus enters a body the first level of auto immune defense is the release of proteins called as interferons that interfere with the ability of a virus to replicate inside a cell. Interferons fight the battle alone with certain viruses which are simple to control and they also recruit other immune response cells to join the battle when the going gets tough. Since the virus has its own defense mechanism the battle gets tougher over a period of time. Finally this all out battle sends out signal to us by way of symptoms like fever, cough or diarrhea, in the case of the Corona virus. When the corona virus infects the eyes, it will result in ocular symptoms before passing on to the body.

Mostly the symptoms are fever and cough or fever and diarrhea and sometimes both. The difference in response depends on where the virus gets to settle down. Once the virus gets into a human body it has to settle itself on a cell. The Corona virus finds a willing receptor in a protein called ACE2 receptor, which is on the surface of a cell. The ACE2 receptor is most abundant in the lungs and the second highest availability of ACE2 receptors are in the Intestines.

When the virus enters into a body through the nose it generally gets transmitted to the lungs. When the virus enters the mouth, from the pharynx it can go down to the lungs or the stomach because there are tubes connecting both. If someone has a swallow reflex there are high chances of the virus travelling to the stomach / intestines.

Once the virus settles down and before it starts to replicate, the second and final level of defense is initiated by the auto immune response. This comprises of the T-Cells and B-Cells, which are major cellular components of the adaptive immune response.

B cells are a type of white blood cell. They make important proteins called antibodies. These molecules act as “flags” to trigger specific destructive mechanisms and trap viruses and bacteria by engulfing them. Without this line of defense, the body would not be able to fight most infections.

T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, wherein they act as weapons against infected or cancerous cells. They also produce cytokines, which act as messengers for the immune system and regulate body’s response to an attack. Both these cells working together form the last stage of auto immune defense system.

In some cases the immune system is brought down by a deluge of virus as in the case of Health care workers who are continuously exposed to the virus. Age is not a factor.

The other and more common incidence of the immune system losing out to the virus is in the case of vulnerable population comprising of elders and those under prolonged medication for other illness. In these cases, the response of the immune system is suppressed. It results in a weaker interferon response and a delayed antibody response which allows the virus to multiply without impediments.

In most other cases, if the antibody response is effective in neutralizing the virus. After passage of time, the body is cleared of the virus and the patient recovers. However these patients can very well pass on the virus to others during this incubation period.

The final stage in the fight against corona virus is reached when the virus settles down in the lungs or the intestine. In the event of residence in the lungs it can proceed to develop into pneumonia as more and more cells are infected and inflamed resulting in the filling the lungs with fluids.

Here also the immune system does not give up easily. There are two directions. In most cases the immune response system remains stable and regains control over the virus through continued T-cell and B-cell activity. In other cases the immune system goes haywire and freaks out by generating more and more cytokines in desperate attempt to destroy the virus. This auto immune disorder mechanism results in the antibodies destroying the good cells and spreading the infection. This eventually results in the lungs filling up with fluids, developing widespread sepsis and difficulty in oxygenating or in supporting blood pressure.

At this stage the task becomes two fold – first to eliminate the infection and second to control the immune systems auto response. In most cases there is little possibility of reprieve from this stage.

This is where preparation for the worst may be helpful, not by taking drugs or medicines but in strengthening the auto immune system through scientifically valid and tested alternative option, which will not have any side effect. This is a preventive measure suggested not for patients but for those in good health with the intent of boosting the functioning of the auto immune system.

The following is an extract from a research paper on the biological and clinical activity of anti-malarial drugs in autoimmune disorders published in 2013 by the Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatic Diseases, Cleveland, OHIO, USA:

 “Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are 4-aminoquinoline compounds commonly employed as anti-malarial drugs. Chloroquine and its synthetic analogue, hydroxychloroquine also belong to the disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug class because these drugs are immunosuppressive. The immunosuppressive activity of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine is likely to account for their capacity to reduce T-cell and B-cell hyperactivity as well as pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression.”

The following is a relevant extract from a Research paper on curcumin and autoimmune disease published in 2007 by Neuroscience Research Laboratory, Indianapolis, USA:

“The immune system has evolved to protect the host from microbial infection; nevertheless, a breakdown in the immune system often results in infection, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

Although the etiology is not known and a cure is still wanting, the use of herbal and dietary supplements is on the rise in patients with autoimmune diseases, mainly because they are effective, inexpensive, and relatively safe. Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound isolated from the rhizome of the plant Curcuma longa that has traditionally been used for pain and wound-healing. Recent studies have shown that curcumin ameliorates multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease in human or animal models. Curcumin inhibits these autoimmune diseases by regulating inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma and associated JAK-STAT, AP-1, and NF-kappaB signaling pathways in immune cells.”

Curcumin is familiar to a large number of Indians because it is an extract from turmeric powder and curcumin has magical properties as regards the regulation of auto immune disorders. Regular intake of turmeric powder containing curcumin is bound to have a very positive impact on the immune system. There are three very important points that have to be noted in this regard.

First the turmeric powder purchased and used in most homes contains waste and remains of curcumin. The quality of turmeric is bound to have an impact on the ultimate benefit and results to be derived from curcumin.

Second and more important fact is what is known for centuries in traditional medicine. Turmeric powder is always mixed with crushed pepper as a cure for common cold. The important fact that has to be clearly understood is that curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream unless it is mixed with piperine, which is derived from Pepper.

This can be confirmed from the research paper published in 1998, by the Department of Pharmacology, St. John’s Medical College on the Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers.


Third and most important is to reiterate the disclaimer regards consumption of curcumin, contained in the research paper published in 2007:

“Although the beneficial effects of nutraceuticals are traditionally achieved through dietary consumption at low levels for long periods of time, the use of purified active compounds such as curcumin at higher doses for therapeutic purposes needs extreme caution. A precise understanding of effective dose, safe regiment, and mechanism of action is required for the use of curcumin in the treatment of human autoimmune diseases.”


The objective of this article is not to propose any cure or alternative treatment for any disease but rather to provide information about the mechanism of the disease and also the efficacy and advantages of prevention through strategic inclusion of certain commonly available ingredients in our regular diet.


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