Defeating an Invisible Enemy - By Meenakshisundaram Ezhil

Defeating an Invisible Enemy - By Meenakshisundaram Ezhil

The bugle and the conch shells having been blown, India is finally getting into the battle phase against COVID-19.  The one important advantage India has is the benefit of the learning and experience of countries which have been hit very badly by the virus. Each and every Indian needs to fully understand the reality and commit himself or herself with total belief and a sense of sacrifice to defeat a virulent enemy who is out to destroy not only lives but also livelihoods, wealth and peace of mind of everyone. If we believe that WE CAN, WE SHALL emerge victorious in this war. Therefore let us not look at it merely as a challenge but as the greatest opportunity of a lifetime for each and every one of us to showcase Indians to the rest of the world. Like in 1983, India as the underdogs in this world war, should go on to defeat the virus comprehensively and win the trophy of being the numero uno nation of this world.

It is therefore extremely important for each and every Indian to try to understand in simple terms the challenge posed by COVID-19 which may probably be the greatest one most of us have to face in a lifetime. it is also essential to have a clear understanding of the mechanism of COVID-19 and the challenges India is bound to face in overcoming the onslaught of this virus.

Let us understand in simple terms how the onset of Novel Corona virus can result in fatality? The corona virus clings on to the respiratory tract because of its unique shape and the projectiles attached to it. (images A and B) This results in the lining of the tract getting injured and inflamed. Even the minutest speck of dust causes irritation to the nerves in the lining resulting in frequent cough. When the infection / inflammation passes on to the gas sacs or the alveolus and the air sacs are inflamed, it results in accumulation of fluids and inflammatory materials in the lungs, causing pneumonia and other complications, which can then become fatal. 

The three most important risk factors for India, if we allow this enemy to invade or occupy large parts of our country, are:
  •     The state of our hospitals and health care, issues of medical supplies, equipment and non-availability of proper infrastructure. Countries with excellent infrastructure, accessories, availability of protective gear have been found impotent to deal with the magnitude of this war. This is going to be our Achilles heel in the ensuing battle and we must resolve to never ever allow a situation where thousands or even lakhs may be in need of quality medical care and attention. (Images 1, 2, 3 and 4)

  •  The density of the population in India could result in the equivalent of an atomic explosion of infections beyond redemption or relief, if matters spiral out of control. Once the community spread starts in major cities and reaches the slums and crowded residential areas, it will become a national disaster in terms of uncontrolled spread of infections because safe and hygienic treatment of masses is not possible in India. This is the core factor underlying the sense of urgency to prevent the community spread of COVID-19.  
  • The undeniable fact is, India is known for the lack of discipline and self-hygiene with the vast numbers of our population. India by its nature, spread, reach and diversity has united as a nation only in euphoria but rarely or never in tackling challenges and battles. Most of us are used to disregarding the laws of the land and the regulations made by any authority. This is a God sent opportunity to make a paradigm shift in this attitude of Indians at large. 
Simultaneously we also have to look at those factors which give us the hope to take on the virus with confidence and these are:

The threat of Aerosol particles: It is very important to understand the characteristics of the aerosol particles which is also believed to contribute significantly to the infectious disease tag of COVID-19. Aerosol particles are minute particles emitted into air through coughing, sneezing or even regular breathing. It is believed that these particles expelled by infected persons are passed on to normal persons through direct inhalation from the air.

The balance of evidence, facts ascertained, studies and reviews conducted in China, Singapore, Korea and even Italy do not conclusively prove that these aerosol particles do not keep floating in the air, till they are inhaled by someone else. If this had happened in China, the number of infected persons would have gone up manifold. Studies have established that these particles are pulled down by gravity. There are cases of self quarantine in China, where the infected person has not passed on the infection to others living in the same house.

It is now getting clearer that infection or the virus is passed on from one person to another when the second person touches a surface containing an expelled aerosol particle of COVID 19. Scientists have also been able to establish that virus on various surface latches on to a new victim when he or she touches the same surface rather than through aerial transmission of the particle.

The important factor and unique advantage which India will enjoy in this regard is the warm / hot climate and the high humidity which is bound to reduce the life of the virus on external surfaces. To a large extent, if the population is made aware and adhere to the requirements of washing hands with soap and water, not touching nose, eyes or mouth, the impact or risk of virus passing on from external surfaces can be controlled or mitigated significantly. It is also important for people and patients to learn the right techniques for sneezing or coughing, about which a lot of awareness has been created.

Another important factor which had a bearing on the high death rates in many of the affected countries is the high rate of fatality when it infects an aged person or a person with multiple complications. The important lesson here is to take care of the old and the sick to ensure that they are completely isolated within the house during this critical period with no scope for passing on of infection from any source. India’s young population with its inherent high levels of immunity should be able to cope with the virus without developing any complications.

Self quarantine is not possible in the circumstances and environment in which most of Indian population resides. Hence the ideal and preferable situation is to ensure that one does not get infected. That is very much possible if the people strictly adhere to the conditions of the lock down or shut down being enforced by State and local governments across the country. Self-restraint and self denial is the only mantra which is required now. There can be no justification for violation or transgression of curfew or lock down in the larger interest of the entire nation.

Everything else is irrelevant now. What matters is the impact of self-hygiene and self-restraint and wherever necessary adherence to social distancing norms.  Each and every Indian has to rise up to the occasion and contribute his mite to take this battle to the very end in the shortest possible time, so that we can embark on the next battle of reviving the economy and restoring peace and prosperity without having being dragged down by the transient set-back that we would have had to endure.

- Meenakshisundaram Ezhil.


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